What is the Subconscious Mind?

                                     The subconscious mind and its working

It is often talked about but some of us get confused as to what is being referred to as our subconscious mind. I’m going to go a little slow with it and break the explanation into as many points as I can, so stay with me, also keep referring to the diagrams for a clearer understanding.

The subconscious brain is the most intelligent part of your body, it is that intelligence that carries out all the life-giving functions, breathing, digestion, heartbeat, holding all the organs together, etc. Without this part of the brain, there would have been no life possible!

We, as human beings, have such an intelligent and magnificent ability in our own bodies. We have it to ourselves all the time and it is working 24*7, even when you’re asleep.  So why not use this power consciously to get what we desire to achieve? If you don’t use the power of your subconscious mind, you’re depriving yourself of one of the most amazing gifts that nature has given you!

What is the subconscious mind?

Your brain is divided into two parts – the conscious and the subconscious brain. The conscious brain is conscious of the actions or the choices you make and the subconscious brain unconsciously takes actions (without you knowing).

The subconscious mind controls the body functions like heartbeat, breathing, blood pressure, etc. all the movements that you cannot control consciously are controlled by your subconscious. The subconscious brain is the creative brain, it creates reality!

When while watching a movie, you feel sad, you are here making a conscious decision and choice to feel sad thus you are constantly sending signals to your subconscious that “I’m feeling sad”. And in no time, you will experience tears rolling down your cheeks. What happened here? It’s the subconscious that created reality in accordance with your thoughts! You were feeling sad, so it created your ‘sadness’ a reality in the form of ‘tears’.

Whatever idea or thought you consciously accept to be true triggers the subconscious and creates reality. If you consciously accept the fact that you are happy, satisfied, and fulfilled, your subconscious brain will work towards it to create your reality, it draws on the infinite power, wisdom, and energy within you. It will line up all the laws of nature to get its way because when thoughts are conveyed to your subconscious mind, impressions are made in the brain cells. As soon as your subconscious accepts any idea, it proceeds to put it into effect immediately. It works by the collaboration of your ideas and every bit of information that you’ve gathered in your lifetime to bring about its purpose.

I’m not trying to intimidate you here. You can experiment and see it for yourself! When you are eating or drinking something you don’t want to, but you consciously tell your brain that “okay! It is tasty and it is doing so much good to my body, let me have it”, even if the taste sucks, your subconscious will be activated and it will draw forth all the power and energy within your body, to help you drink or eat all of it. On the other hand, while drinking or eating something tastes very bad, and if you constantly signal your brain that “oh no! what the hell is this, I’m gonna puke!” you will end up throwing up; or if on a chilly morning you’re running short of time and have to take a bath with cold water, if you consciously tell yourself that “It is not that cold, I’m going to be okay”, you will not feel much discomfort. 

So, one thing is clear from this example, that whatever you feed your subconscious with, your body will react according to that thought or emotion to create your reality! Your body can stand absolutely anything, it is only the mind that you have to convince.

When you have to solve a question of mathematics and are not able to do so but even then you think to yourself that “I’ll be able to solve this!”, “I know how to do this!”, “if there is a problem, there’s going to be a solution!”. You just have to consciously accept these statements to be true even if they seem false to you, you have to put that effort into accepting the thought lovingly and feelingly, only then will your subconscious bring forth the wisdom, intelligence, and energy within you which will help you to solve that problem.

When you begin to control your thought processes, you can apply the power of your subconscious to any problem or difficulty.

When you repeatedly tell people that “No matter what I do, I cannot wake up early in the morning” or “I’ll never be able to be successful in life”, you can rest assured that your subconscious will align every law of nature and convince every fiber of your body to experience the same. Your subconscious mind takes the orders you give it based upon what your conscious mind believes and accepts to be true.

So now, rather than conveying self-limiting, self-sabotaging, and negative thoughts to your subconscious, bear thoughts, ideas, and emotions, which bless, heal, inspire, and fill your soul with joy.

You are like a captain who navigates the ship, you must give the right orders to your subconscious which controls and governs all your experiences.


Yes! Your subconscious accepts whatever you tell it, I cannot reject any idea. Whatever you consciously convey to be true, it will accept it. It does not engage in proving whether your thoughts are good or bad, true or false, real or imaginary, it only responds to the nature of your thoughts and emotions.

If you constantly assume something to be true, even when it is not, your subconscious will accept it as true and bring about results because you consciously assumed it to be true.

Many psychological studies prove that the subconscious mind cannot make selections and comparisons.


We have often seen people getting hypnotized in movies and different shows; Now, what is hypnosis? It is a sleep-like, mental state in which people experience increased attention, concentration, and suggestibility. It is the time when your conscious mind – the one who decides whether you want to do something or not, is shut down and your subconscious mind becomes active.

A skilled hypnotist may suggest to one of his subjects that he is a cat, he will start to act like one, or if he tells him that his nose is bleeding, he will make his nose bleed somehow, totally oblivious to the surroundings.

When a person is hypnotized his ability to reason and make choices shuts down because only the subconscious is active which does not have any power to reject any idea whatsoever!

Your subconscious is independent of the five sense organs, it is just driven by emotion and perception. It performs its highest functions when the five senses are temporarily suspended (i.e. when you’re asleep).

This shows you the power of your subconscious. anything you suggest or tell yourself; your subconscious will make it happen, now it doesn’t matter what you’re feeding your mind with, good thoughts or bad ones, they’re all going to be accepted by your subconscious to be true!


  A suggestion cannot impose something on the subconscious mind against the will of the conscious mind. You have to emotionally accept something to be true only then your subconscious will be triggered.

Let us say tomorrow you want to wake up at 5 am to exercise and you tell yourself “no matter what, I’m going to wake up!”, but at the back of your mind, you’re still thinking “I won’t be able to”. Here, your emotions are not strong enough, so the subconscious is not going to work. Only when you completely surrender yourself to a thought or an emotion even if it is not true, will you be able to bring it to your reality. This acceptance only comes when you repeat something over time.

If your conscious mind is not accepting the fact then how can you expect the subconscious to create reality? When the captain of the ship is itself denying to move the ship in a certain direction then how is it possible that the co-workers act in some other manner?

Whatever you claim mentally and feel as true, your subconscious mind will accept and bring forth into your experience!

IT IS ALL IN THE MIND. Has this statement ever struck you hard? It will now because you now know what your brain and thoughts are capable of!

This topic can go on for hours, but I’m ending it here. Though I’m not finished and I’ll be writing another part as to how you can use your subconscious mind to get the results you want and achieve success in life. So, look out for me!

Thank you for reading, I hope this blog on The Subconscious Mind has helped you and nourished you with knowledge.

Here are some books and videos you can refer to, to understand the subconscious mind-

The power of the subconscious mind by Joseph Murphy

Pdf - https://rgu.ac/rgi_pdf/power-subconscious-mind.pdf

The greatest power of your mind by Joseph Murphy

Free audiobook of The power of your subconscious mind - https://youtu.be/L6v7us25uY8

The power of your subconscious book summary - https://youtu.be/DbwSHqjBv_A

Reprogram your subconscious mind - https://youtu.be/hv1k2YG0JK8

How to control your subconscious by Sandeep Maheshwari - https://youtu.be/dIlmtkRZK8g

If you have any more questions regarding The Workings of the Subconscious mind, feel free to contact me. Though I’m not a professional, I will try to answer your question to the best of my ability by putting in everything that I have learned in the past few years.

GMAIL - rainanagpal56@gmail.com

INSTAGRAM - https://instagram.com/raaaaiiinnaa_?r=nametag

PINTEREST - https://in.pinterest.com/rainanagpal56/




  1. Wonderful at everything Raina your blogs have helped me read which I never thought I would. Your blogs are a art piece to behold❤️❤️ Keep up🎉

  2. If u are having strong internal wishes and prepare our mind with full positivity our subconscious brain creates reality.
    It's amazing.....

  3. Amazing Raina, you explained it in a very simple way. Your blogs are helping us to make positive changes in our lives . Waiting for the next. Keep writing ❤️❤️


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