Things that hold you back!


                                                Things that hold us back

There are times in life when you feel that your life is not going anywhere. It seems like reaching somewhere or achieving something has become a distant affair. 

So here are some points which can help you identify the things that might be holding you back from achieving your goal or your dream life.

1. Fear of Failure:

Have you ever rejected any opportunity because you felt that you might fail? When I started writing my blogs, I also feared that what if people don’t like it or what if I fail in serving quality content and I kid you not at one point I was like all this is stupid and I don’t want to do it, guess why? Because the fear of failure was constantly ringing in my head. 

Fear is triggered by imagining the worst-case scenario that could happen even before we pursue something.

Fear of failure is so dangerous and powerful that it paralyzes us, destroys our actual potential, and can lead us to quit what we really wanted to do. It haunts us and will prevent us from achieving any kind of success.

Hence it becomes very important to overcome this fear and the only way OUT is THROUGH. Only when you rise up to the challenge to attack your fear by coming out of your comfort zone, you will emerge victorious. This means you have to do it despite the fear, do it even if each cell of your brain is convincing you that you might fail. Your brain will never allow you to come out of your comfort zone only your willpower will help you to do so. Do you really want an imaginary situation to destroy your potential? If no, then gear up and do it even if you feel uncomfortable, do it despite the fear!

 3. Blaming external forces:

We always try to find excuses and blame the external forces to justify our failures. We blame our lack of time, our responsibilities, our competitors, our family background, family problems, our financial problems for our failures. But external circumstances are out of your control, you can’t decide where you take birth or you can’t control the negative forces working around you. But the one thing you can control is yourself. You are the master of your brain, you can control your thoughts, your actions, and your response in a given situation.

You decide how to react to negativity and other external forces. You either submit yourself to the negativity around you and begrudge for the rest of your life, or you can take the charge of your response towards it and become determined to turn the tables despite the unfavourability of the situations. The sole reason for your failure is YOU and the sole reason for your success is also YOU. Start taking responsibility despite giving excuses.

4. Comparing yourself to others:

Comparing your life with others is the fastest way to instill insecurity and unhappiness because the grass always looks greener on the other side. 

Whenever you see a person who is achieving and doing much more in life than you are, you tend to feel insecure and jealous and that’s human but when you catch yourself doing it, consciously tell yourself “They have a wonderful life and I also determine to make my life even more beautiful.” Use it as a source of inspiration and become even more committed to achieving your goals, by feeling jealous and bitter you will intoxicate your mind with hatred and frustrationYou divert your energies towards bringing them down rather than raising your own standards and hence suffer failure.

Focus on yourself - see how far you’ve come in your journey, how you’ve evolved with time, how you made a comeback after facing adversities, compare yourself to who you were a few years back, and how you’ve changed for the better. You are your only competition; comparison is distracting and can lead to poor quality of work.

4. Lack of endurance:

When situations become overwhelming, quitting seems like an easy way out. There are high chances that the main reason for your failure is not lack of knowledge or lack of talent but it is that you give up easily. Most people start off something but then are to lazy to finish it, that is what causes failures. Only those who have the power to persist and endure even if they feel tired or lazy, even when the situations are not favorable, or even if they fail, become successful. Your success lies in not getting defeated even when you encounter failures; failures are the stepping stones towards success, they actually bring you one step closer to being successful but only if you learn from them. Always finish what you started, you’ll never become successful if you give up midway. Keep on advancing ahead and do your best in any given situation, then what is there that cannot be achieved?

5. Having a negative mindset:

Nothing will slow down your progress like a negative mindset. If you feed your brain with negative and self-limiting thoughts you will find excuses as to why you should not do a certain thing in your life. You will try to convince yourself not to get out of your comfort zone and will eventually become stagnant in life. You’ll never be able to achieve any goal when you think of thoughts like “Oh! That’s too hard, I can’t do it” or “I don’t think I feel ready enough.” But you have to recognize the power you have; it is just in your mind and you CAN do it if you want to.

Everything that you see in the physical world today was first created in the mind of people. The more you feed thoughts like “Nothing is impossible”, “I can do it if I want to”, “I dare to fight with failures” to your mind, the more you start believing in these thoughts and the more it starts reflecting in your reality.

Why feed all these self-sabotaging and gloomy thoughts in your mind when your heart has such big dreams to fulfill! 

Thank you for reading I hope that now you will be able to overcome the fears in your mind to give way to higher possibilities, please do share your takeaway in the comments!

If you are suffering from any adversity or challenge in your life and need someone to talk to, feel free to contact me on my Instagram or Gmail, I will try my best to revert and we can have a one on one conversation there.







  1. Wonderful really Inspiring good v good raina reallybv meanungful

  2. Its very well said. The points are what I have personally experienced, so it very relatable to me . Overcoming this FEAR is very difficult, but having the right mindset can REALLY change things. The universe resonate to our thoughts, so the more the positive we think the more positive results happen in our lives.

    Keep up the good work Raina.


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