What is the Law of Attraction?

                                                               WHAT IS THE LAW OF ATTRACTION?

Have you ever heard about The Law of Attraction? You might or might not have heard of it! This law can help you achieve absolutely anything in your life if you get a clear understanding of why and how it works.

Let me simplify this seemingly complex concept of Law of Attraction for you!

What is The Law of Attraction?

“What you think starts a vibration that influences how you feel, impacts what you attract and creates your reality.”

The law of attraction basically works on the principle that “LIKE ATTRACTS LIKE”. E.g. if you’re a happy and cheerful person, you’ll attract more people who are happy or if you’re a kind person you will attract kind people in your life.

Everything around us including human beings, are made up of atoms and we all vibrate at a certain frequency and give out energy. The frequency at which we vibrate is defined by our THOUGHTS. When we think about abundance, growth, happiness we start vibrating at a higher frequency and when our thoughts contain limiting beliefs, self-victimization, hatred, anger we lower our frequency.

The statement of Albert Einstein means that energy can neither be created and nor be destroyed and the energy that we want to tap to achieve everything we want in our lives is already present in the universe and is vibrating at a specific frequency.

Our only task is to match our frequency with the frequency of the energy we want to achieve and in order to raise our frequencies we have to think good and positive thoughts.

We can raise our frequencies using these methods or rather I would say, you can use the Law of Attraction using these methods:


Everything begins with a belief. Your belief shapes your thoughts, your thoughts will shape your attitude, your attitude will shape your personality and your personality will determine your actions and actions create REALITY.

For e.g. if you start believing in abundance, you will start thinking of success and achieving the impossible, your attitude towards life will change and will be aligned  (in line) with your thoughts. You’ll automatically start taking the actions that will ultimately lead you to success.

So all your thoughts are based on what you believe to be true. If your belief is strong enough then your thoughts will become stronger and will create reality accordingly.

Every thought can be changed into reality, only if your thoughts are powerful enough and your belief is strong enough, no one can stop you and you can achieve anything you want.


Affirmations are nothing but positive statements that are written or repeated in the present tense. The Law of Attraction states that you have to accept the thing you want as true even when it has not happened yet. You have to emotionally accept the fact that what you want has already happened in your life.

For e.g. if you want to have an appraisal of 15% then you will have to affirm “I am so happy and grateful that I have got an appraisal of 15%.’’ or if you want to wake up early then affirm that “I am so happy and grateful that nowadays I wake up at 5am.” By doing this you’re sending positive vibrations to the universe and you’ll attract the same in return.

You have to affirm until your mind completely accepts this fact to be true. There are certain things you have to keep in your mind while you make your affirmations.

                                                         They should be in present tense.

     They should not contain negative words like ‘not’.

      Repeat them 5-10 times every day.

 Include the words like abundance, happiness, gratefulness in   your affirmations.

     Feel the emotions like happiness and gratitude within yourself while you affirm. Your statements should empower you to take actions. There can be different types of affirmations like affirmations for wealth, success affirmations, money affirmations, abundance affirmations, self-love affirmations, morning affirmations etc. Some of them are:

·        I’m beautiful.

·        I’m confident.

·        I’m worthy.

·        I’m independent.

·        I have a great body.

·        I have financial freedom.

·        I’m ready to fight any challenge that comes my way.

·        I embrace failures.

·        I have come out of my comfort zone.

·        I’m loved, heard and protected by the universe.


When sometimes you feel nauseous, you repeatedly tell your brain “I might vomit” and eventually you throw up! So this is how through repetition you are making things come to reality.

In the same way affirmations are to be repeated a number of times to bring about the desired result. Repetition influences your thoughts and triggers your brain into taking positive action. Repetition of affirmations makes your belief stronger. It is very important to put your thoughts into reality.

You can repeat your affirmations by writing it 10-15 times or repeating it in your mind time and again.

I personally write my affirmations in my diary just before going to sleep. I usually write “I’m so happy and grateful that now when I wake up, I get up!” and feel it as to be true. When you emotionally accept something to be true it digs deep into your beliefs and shapes your reality.


Have you ever been in a position where you know how a person looks but you don’t remember their name?  This is because our brain accepts pictures and visuals faster than text and words. When you convert your affirmation into mental images then you become more certain to achieve your dream life.

So a very effective tool to apply the law of attraction to manifest your dream life is to visualize one!

You can visualize for 5-10 minutes every day, just by closing your eyes and thinking about how it feels and how everything around you looks like when you will manifest what you wanted. The more you visualize the more you will accept your dreams to be true and when you emotionally accept something it will take shape into reality.

I personally do visualization just before sleeping, when I am on my bed, I close my eyes and become aware of my breath and visualize anything that I want to bring into reality. The part of the brain which creates reality (subconscious mind) is most active just before you fall asleep.

You can also visualize through vision boards. They are a collage of images and words representing a person's wishes or goals, intended to serve as inspiration or motivation. These visuals are readily accepted by your brain.


Everyone must develop an attitude of gratitude. Gratitude is a must virtue that you should incorporate in your daily lives. It increases your frequency and sends positive vibrations to the universe. The universe in return will send you more positive vibrations and abundance.

Writing a gratitude list or gratitude journaling i.e. writing about whatever you’re grateful for, is very important to be surrounded by good and positive vibrations.

Expressing gratitude is a key to bring abundance in your life. Every day just after waking up I write three things that I’m grateful for. You can be grateful even for the smallest and the simplest of things. You can write:

·        I’m grateful for the milk I had this morning.

·        I’m grateful for my five sense organs.

·        I’m grateful for this new day.

·        I’m grateful for all the love in my life.

·        I’m grateful that I have a roof over my head.

·        I’m grateful for the books I have.

·        I’m grateful to my friends and family.

·        I’m grateful for the pen I’m writing with.

·        I’m grateful food I ate.

By using the law of attraction you can manifest absolutely anything in your life.

Here are some videos you can refer to, to get a better understanding of the Law of Attraction:

What is Law of Attraction by Sandeep Maheshwari - https://youtu.be/DCuJXBWZWDg

How the Law of Attraction works (The Beer Biceps) - https://youtu.be/AuQmFsVpmE8

Real power of manifestation (Ayushmaan Khurana) - https://youtu.be/Hys4Y-IHSt8 

Law of Attraction explained (Bob Proctor) - https://youtu.be/5zvnFM2BXqY

Manifest anything you want - https://youtu.be/uizLj_eKPO0

“Once you make a decision the universe conspires to make it happen”. It is very important to have a vision to manifest your dream life.

Hope this blog on The Law Attraction has helped you and solved some of your questions.

If you have any more questions regarding The Law of Attraction, feel free to contact me. Though I'm not a professional but I will try to answer your questions to the best of my ability by putting in everything that I have learnt in the past few years.

INSTAGRAM - https://instagram.com/raaaaiiinnaa_?r=nametag

PINTEREST - https://in.pinterest.com/rainanagpal56/

GMAIL - rainanagpal56@gmail.com




  1. Law of attraction has always been something very hard to understand and the way you have expressed it was brilliant! You have a lot to preach and a load of potential in you which can be seen oozing out Raina. Keep learning and helping others the way you are. You are a brilliant human keep it up! ;)

  2. That was so detailed and yet interesting to read . You write so well :) all the best to you :)

  3. That was so detailed and yet interesting to read . You write so well :) all the best to you :)

  4. Damn. This is really cool. Keep up the good work ❤️

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. This is amazing Raina, keep growing. Proud of you ! May the universe bless you with happiness, health, wealth and success.

  7. Raina the way law of attraction is described!!! Keep growing.

  8. Ya it's fact that what you feel u attract is a good example of Einstein theory.
    Every person is net outcome of his belief,gratitude, vision and affirmation.
    So let's we attract these principles to become a successful person.

  9. Very good mera pyara baccha this is so interesting.. god bless you always.

  10. This is everything anyone wants to know to accomplish their dream.

  11. Beautifully explained!
    Keep growing❤

  12. Hey , Loved reading your blog as always .

  13. This was indeed a very good topic to write about! Had a lot of fun reading it I've ways been really curious about the law of attraction but never got to know about it I'm depth you covered it really well!

  14. Really v helpful N i do practice it well done Raina v nice


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