Is achieving true happiness a possiblity?
Is achieving true happiness a possibility? In this dynamic contemporary world of ours, We have every comfort required to live with ease. But still the agony overpowers, Is it a part of the fees? -Raina Happiness – a nine lettered word, which basically drives humanity. Everybody in this whole universe is chasing pleasure by hook or crook. So, what is this desirable concept and is it achievable? This question goes over and beyond the minds because every individual is structured so distinctively that the explanation varies from person to person. Life is just a game which can be called “THE QUEST OF HAPPINESS”. Everything we do in life boils down to a single affair; we all are just running behind the same thing in different ways. Ask yourself; the reply of every ‘Why’ eventually leads to the notion of seeking contentment, satisfaction, joy – which are nothing but the thesauruses o